Members of the Socialist Party of Michigan have been on the picketline at the Northwest Terminal of Detroit Metro Airport to support the workers striking against Northwest Airlines. If you’d like to…
Category: News
SPMI Voter Outreach Event Saturday August 27th
The Socialist Party of Michigan will be holding our Voter Outreach mobilization on Saturday August 27th in which we will hand out copies of our Voter Outreach flyer to residents in one…
SPMI State Convention June 18th-19th
The Socialist Party of Michigan 2005 State Convention will be held on Saturday June 18th through Sunday June 19th at the headquarters of the Kalamazoo Socialist Party. The Convention will include amendments…
Brown-Herbert on the Natural Law ballot line
Friday, August 06, 2004In a surprise move that even caught members of his own party off guard, Walt Brown, Socialist candidate for president, was nominated by the Natural Law Party of Michigan…
Working woman to challenge Conyers
On Saturday, July 10, the Wayne County Caucus of the Green Party of Michigan unanimously selected Lisa Weltman to be their candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in the 14th Congressional…