Adopted May 9, 2009The Socialist Party of Michigan expresses its strongest condemnation of the $304 million cuts to the state budget imposed through an executive order by Democratic Governor Granholm, and immediately…
Category: Statements
No Car Czars, No Capitalists, No Bailouts, No Bosses!
Socialist Party of Michigan Statement on the U.S. Automotive BailoutAdopted Unanimously at the SPMI State Membership Meeting on January 10th 2009 in DetroitThe tenuously averted collapse of the U.S. automotive industry directly…
End the Massacre in Gaza!
Socialist Party Statement on the IDF Invasion of the Gaza Strip The Socialist Party USA unequivocally condemns the ongoing Israeli military offensive against the people of Gaza. We call for an immediate…
SPMI Statement on the U.S. Financial Meltdown
U.S. FINANCIAL MELTDOWN SPOTLIGHTS PROFIT SYSTEM’S FAILURE AND THE NEED FOR ECONOMIC DEMOCRACYAdopted by the State Convention of the Socialist Party of MichiganOctober 4, 2008The collapse of the financial sector shows the…
Fuel Crisis or Monopoly Manipulation? — The Petroleum Barons Strike Again
The retail prices of basic fuels and gasoline have reached ever growing crisis levels for the average working class, poor, and even middle class American. In an economy that is largely dependent…